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Decoding Transformation – the critical role of Business Analysis in driving change.

28 February 2024

Business Analysis

Navigating change is essential for organisational survival and growth.

Yet, the journey from vision to reality is often hindered by intricate challenges which are woven into an organisation’s fabric. Many change initiatives stumble due to unaddressed problems and organisational debt —inefficiencies, misaligned strategies and undetected opportunities.

Business analysis is required to decode these challenges beyond the emotional appeal of winning hearts and minds.

Analysis of a business system refers to the process of examining and evaluating various aspects of how a business operates. This analysis aims to understand the current state of the business system, identifying areas for improvement so that informed decisions can be made to enhance efficiency, effectiveness and overall performance.

This business analysis typically involves several key components:

  1. Understanding business value streams and processes: This involves mapping out the sequence of activities and workflows that make up business operational value streams. Analysing these processes helps to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies and opportunities for optimising how information and data flows through a business system.
  2. Gap analysis: Comparing the current state of a business system with the goals of a desired future state helps identify gaps and areas where improvements are needed. This gap analysis informs strategic planning, the prioritisation of initiatives and provides a clear plan for transitioning from ‘as is’ state to ‘to be’ state.
  3. Data analysis: Business systems generate vast amounts of data, ranging from financial records to customer transactions. Analysing this data provides insights into trends, patterns and performance metrics that can inform decision-making and strategic planning.
  4. Stakeholder analysis: Identifying and understanding the various stakeholders involved in a business system is crucial. This includes internal stakeholders such as employees and management, as well as external stakeholders such as customers, suppliers and regulatory bodies. Additionally, understanding the different perspectives held by some of the more senior stakeholders can help pave the way for change.
  5. Technology assessment: Assessing the technology infrastructure and systems that support business operations is essential. This includes evaluating software applications, hardware resources, data storage, and communication networks to ensure they meet organisational needs.
  6. Cost-benefit analysis: Evaluating the costs and benefits associated with proposed changes or investments in the business system is essential for decision-making. This analysis helps prioritise initiatives based on their potential impact on the organisation’s bottom line.
  7. Performance measurement: Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the performance of the business system is crucial. This allows stakeholders to track progress, monitor outcomes and identify areas for further improvement.

If business analysis is omitted from change initiatives, reaching a successful outcome becomes more challenging as individuals will not understanding the impact that the change will have on their day-to-day work.

Uncovering hidden inefficiencies, exploring different perspectives and understanding the change impact on business value streams and its consumers really is the silent architect for change success.

By Lynda Girvan, Head of Business Analysis at CMC Partnership Consultancy Ltd

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