Wellbeing is a priority
Wellbeing always comes first. With an award-winning Wellbeing Team, Mental Health First Aiders, and mindful initiatives in place, we are committed to supporting you to be happy and healthy, and creating a safe space to open up.
Wellbeing is a priority
Sense of community
We pride ourselves on our sense of community. You can be part of our active community of practice, where you can share ideas and learn from other’s experiences.
Sense of community
Tailored support
Every person is different, and we really value that diversity. We adapt our support to fit you and your unique needs, and truly help you to thrive.
Tailored support
Personal growth
We encourage and support you to grow, to become more accomplished, more confident and more able to achieve your goals.
Personal growth
Every voice is heard
As an employee-owned company, you will have a real opportunity to contribute to and shape the future of CMC, as well as your own career.
Every voice is heard
Open-door policy
We’re all ears. From our directors to our Wellbeing Team, every person in CMC is someone you can reach out to. Grab a tea, coffee, (whatever your drink of choice) - there are never any ‘silly’ questions.
Open-door policy